If your task management skills have fallen short recently, that’s your cue that it may be time to put some new productive strategies into place.


It’s challenging to feel like you’re on top of everything when new tasks and responsibilities that crowd your calendar keep popping up left and right. But instead of accepting your busy reality as “just the way things are,” take some actionable steps to get your work-life balance back in order!


Life happens, and it happens fast, at that. However, you can get control of the reins again using tools and strategies to manage your workload and personal responsibilities better.


In this post, we’ve outlined five effective and surprisingly simple ways to tune up your task management skills and improve your work-life balance while you’re at it. So let’s dive in, shall we?


  1. Put your personal life into focus with a shared family and friends calendar.

We said improving your task management skills can be simple, and we meant it. If “out of sight, out of mind” applies to how you treat your personal life sometimes, then bring it all to light by sharing a calendar with your loved ones.


It’s hard to miss an important date when your friend’s and family’s events are synced in your personal calendar, so make your life simple with apps like Maison to help you organize your home life!


  1. Eat the frog.

This oddly named productivity technique is less strange than it sounds. But as would eating a real frog be, getting your most challenging project or task out of the way first might sound unpleasant to some. However, completing a complicated project first thing in the morning sets the tone for a productive day ahead.


If you’ve had trouble getting started on tasks lately or find the day getting away from you, just eat the frog, and thank yourself later!


  1. Set weekly, daily, and monthly priorities.

Without priorities, we’d all just be wandering aimlessly, doing things only as we pleased. But, unfortunately, that sort of behavior isn’t actually conducive to a healthy work-life balance, so save yourself from wasting time or falling behind by knocking your to-do list out in order of importance.


  1. Keep yourself on track by creating limits and deadlines for yourself.

Holding yourself accountable is key for managing your busy work-life responsibilities. While your boss doesn’t know everything about your personal life and your friends don’t know everything that goes on at work—you do. So set boundaries for yourself accordingly.


Whether that looks like creating a hard stop time for shutting down work, or leaving your Saturdays free for family times, what matters is that you lay down boundaries that help you build the productive but balanced lifestyle you desire.


  1. Get more comfortable saying no.

We can all be experts at task management by simply having no tasks to manage, right?


In all seriousness, however, some tasks just aren’t worth adding to your plate, so embrace the power of choice and say no to obligations that you can’t commit to 100%.


Create a work-life balance you love with Maison

The Maison app is the pocket home organizer that allows you to sync your schedule with your friends and family, send invites and appointment reminders, and so much more. Discover all the incredible features of Maison that make life simple here, and download the app today!